New Beginings Farm Place

New Beginnings Farm Place is a dream, but one we are committed to making come true.

Our Story

It begins with the land, which will be located in Rockingham County, NC. This is a new startup, and we are seeking the funding to buy a farm, and develop it into a place that will encourage the art of farming well into the future. This will be a woman-owned, disability-owned business with both situations being an integral part of the project. The Hardman’s bring a wealth of expertise and leadership to the table; they believe in collaborative efforts between the farm and the community as they continuously take extensive measures to protect and restore the ecosystem in which their farm will operate.

Farming and Societal Development

The advent of farming was thus a pivotal step in societal evolution. It profoundly changed how humans organised themselves and interacted with the environment. The stable food supply liberated communities from nomadic lifestyles dominated by hunting and foraging. This facilitated new forms of social organisation, specialisation of labour and technological innovation
The advent of farming was thus a pivotal step in societal evolution. It profoundly changed how humans organised themselves and interacted with the environment. The stable food supply liberated communities from nomadic lifestyles dominated by hunting and foraging. This facilitated new forms of social organisation, specialisation of labour and technological innovation
However, large-scale farming also brought challenges. Clearing forests for agricultural land and overusing fields could lead to soil erosion, encouraging expansion into new areas. Major ancient civilisations ultimately collapsed or migrated when overexploitation made the land unviable. This underscores the need for sustainable approaches even from the earliest days of farming

The Rise of Sustainable Farming

By the late 20th century, the high resource usage and pollution spawned by industrialised agriculture sparked a counter-movement. Awareness grew about its impacts on biodiversity, soil health, waterways, and rural communities. This paved the way for alternative agriculture movements that rejected chemical- intensive methods
Key milestones included organic farming, permaculture, urban agriculture, community-supported agriculture (CSA), and direct-to-consumer sales. These empower individuals and communities to take charge of food production while operating in tune with ecological systems.

American Farming: From Colonization to Industrialization

The history of American agriculture echoes the nation’s origins and path to industrialisation. Native Americans predominantly practised small-scale farming, moving fields periodically to allow regeneration of soil fertility through the natural soil cycles. Their agricultural wisdom cultivated the bountiful landscape that supported towns and villages
European colonists brought extensive farming knowledge to America. However, the crops, tools and techniques they imported were only sometimes well-suited to the new environment and geography. Colonists adapted by learning indigenous forest gardening methods, crop rotation and natural fertilisation. This laid the foundations of American agriculture.
Mechanisation and industrialisation of agriculture escalated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Gas-powered tractors and combined harvesters dramatically increased productivity and yields. Reliance on monocultures, chemical fertilisers and pesticides also took root. Modern industrial agriculture maximised efficiency but came at significant environmental costs.


Agriculture has been integral to the human story since the dawn of civilisation. Today, we have arrived at a crucial juncture where we must reimagine our relationship with food and the land. Sustainable small- scale farming and gardening empower us to reconnect with nature while providing for our communities.
We can look back to ancient agricultural wisdom and pave the path to a just and regenerative future. Our farms and gardens nurture food, cultural roots, communities and ecosystems. Agriculture moves beyond sustenance to become the very sustenance of life.

Serving the Triad of North Carolina and Surrounding Areas


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The Rise of Sustainable Farming

November 17, 2023/

By the late 20th century, the high resource usage and pollution spawned by industrialized agriculture sparked a counter-movement. Awareness grew…

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